
Environment Pollutants

Common Terms in Environmental Chemistry

What is Pollutant? If the concentration of a substance already present in nature is increased to unrequired ratio due to human activity, which ultimately has a detrimental effect on the environment either by reducing the quality of life or affecting the health then it is known as a pollutant. Example: sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, lead, […]

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Marine Resources

Marine Chemistry: Marine Resources, Pollutions and effects on Biota

What is Marine Chemistry? Marine Chemistry is the branch of chemistry where marine environments and different variables of marine ecosystem is studied. What are the major marine resources? • Fisheries • Oil • Gas • Minerals • Sand & Gravels • Renewable Energy What are the major supporting and regulating marine services? • Waste disposal, absorption and

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Fuel Cell Car

PEM Fuel Cell Membranes, Development and Uses

Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, also known as proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are believed to be the most promising type of fuel cell for electric vehicles.  The PEM fuel cell was invented by Willard Thomas Grubb and Leonard Niedrach in the early 1960s where sulfonated polystyrene membranes were used for electrolytes. In 1966, sulfonated polystyrene

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Environment friendly Li-ion battery

Lithium-ion battery: present and future

Lithium ion battery (LIB) is a rechargeable battery Consist of anode, cathode, electrolyte and a separator Available for purchase from 1991 Sony rechargeable battery past and present Charging and discharging of Li-ion battery Application of lithium-ion batteries  Present day’s LIB: 18650, 26700 and 26650 size  Application:  Electric vehicle, smartphone, laptop, toys, e-cigarettes and vaporizers, medical devices, portable

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JEM-2100Plus TEM

TEM Principles, Imaging Techniques, Advantages, and Disadvantages

The Transmission electron microscope (TEM) is a special type of microscope that uses electrons to create high magnification images of the internal structure of a sample. Ernst Ruska designed and developed the TEM during his graduate studies under the supervision of  Max Knoll in 1932-1933. However, the first commercial electron microscope was installed in IG Farben-Werke

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